Freedom of Information Request
Here's what Michigan's Freedom of Information Act covers
Public bodies created or primarily funded by a state or local unit of government
State officials and employees
State executive brand entities
Local units of government
Agencies, boards, commissions and councils in the state legislative branch
What the law doesn't cover
The governor, lieutenant governor and their employees
The Legislature, legislators and their staff
Colfax Township FOIA request should be forwarded to: Supervisor, David Leonard.
Government bodies are allowed to charge fees for copying records and other labor associated with fulfilling the request. Here's what the law says broadly about fees:
“A public body may charge a fee for a public record search, for the necessary copying of a public record for inspection, or for providing a copy of a public record… the fee must be limited to actual mailing costs, and to the actual incremental cost of duplication or publication including labor, the cost of search, examination, review, and the deletion and separation of exempt from nonexempt information…”